Nicole M. Santos

Nicole M. Santos is a pianist pursuing her M.M. in Piano Performance and Collaborative Piano at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, SD. As a graduate teaching assistant, she serves as an accompanist for the USD Symphonic Choir, Choral Conducting classes, the USD Opera Program, and the USD Theatre Department. She will graduate in May 2025. Ms. Santos completed her undergraduate studies at USD, graduating summa cum laude with her B.M. in Piano Performance in May 2021. During her time at USD, she has collaborated with vocal and instrumental colleagues for recitals, rehearsals, and auditions. She was a winner in the 2018–2019 USD Concerto/Aria competition, and was a featured soloist with the USD Symphony Orchestra in April 2019, and with Orchestra Omaha in April 2018. She is a student of Dr. Susan Keith Gray.